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Employees' birthday party of Dongsheng company in the first and second quarters

2022年06月30日 14:34:00    Hits:1117

In order to carry forward the company's corporate culture and make every Dongsheng employee feel the warmth of "home", the general office of the company held a celebration for the employees who celebrated their birthdays in the first and second quarters in the Sunshine Hall of the company on the morning of June 30, 2022!

Although the celebration activities were delayed due to the epidemic in the first half of the year, the company's love for each employee has remained unchanged. On this special day, the enterprise affirmed and thanked the employees for their long-term hard work, and also expressed the company's care for the employees.

Interesting activities: we unite as one, cooperate closely, shorten the distance between employees, and bring joy to every birthday star at the same time.

In Dongsheng, humanized management is an essential part of the enterprise. The enterprise culture constantly edifies the staff's working spirit and personal sentiment, creates a relaxed and harmonious working environment and interpersonal relations, so as to further enhance the staff's sense of collective honor, responsibility and mission, and cultivate the staff's frank and friendly working attitude and work style. The company adheres to the people-oriented cultural concept, advocates the corporate culture of "Dongsheng family", and constantly enriches the cultural life of every employee. The company holds an employee birthday party every quarter, which effectively makes every Dongsheng person's birthday unforgettable, leaving happy and warm memories and a sense of belonging to the big family.

Birthday parties not only enhance the feelings and friendship between employees, enhance everyone's understanding and communication, but also an effective form of constantly strengthening the construction of corporate culture. I believe that through the joint efforts of all people, we will build a harmonious, friendly, United and progressive team, and build a Dongsheng home full of warmth and love.

Finally, I wish all Dongsheng family members who have celebrated their birthdays and are about to celebrate their birthdays safe and young forever! In the years to come, live happily and work smoothly! For our common cause, work together to write the most beautiful chapter of life.

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