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Yan Honglei and her delegation visited the R & D center of Dongsheng Group for i

2022年06月28日 15:56:34    Hits:1080

  On the afternoon of June 24, Yan Honglei, member of the Standing Committee of the municipal Party committee, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee of Harbin new area, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Pingfang district and Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Harbin Economic Development Zone, and his delegation visited the R & D center and pilot test base of Dongsheng Group for investigation and guidance. Zhang Zhongkai, chairman and President of Dongsheng Group, warmly received them and accompanied them throughout the process.

  Yan Honglei and his delegation focused on understanding the industry status of the enterprise, the R & D technology reserve and investment led by innovation, the future development plan and the development prospect of the enterprise. Zhang Zhongkai made a detailed report on the company's recent key work and technology research and development.

  Yan Honglei said that focusing on the cultivation of individual champions in the manufacturing industry, first, we should guide and support enterprises to pay more attention to R & D investment and improve their innovation ability. "Champion enterprise" is an enterprise with a large international market share, backed by technological innovation.Onlyby continuously increasing R & D investment and achieving international leading production technology and process can the champion position be stabilized. Second, communication and docking with industry associations should be done well. The industry association has the authoritative data in the industry field nationwide and even globally. Enterprises should establish a communication and docking mechanism with the association to understand the development of the industry at home and abroad and the situation of competitors, so that they can be invincible in a hundred battles. Third, we should further optimize the cultivation and promotion mechanism. According to the decision and deployment of the municipal Party committee and the municipal government to build a single champion City, the industry and information technology department should further implement its work responsibilities, timely master and reserve a number of enterprises with core technologies and high market share, strengthen special class assistance and rolling cultivation, achieve policy coordination, work accommodation, urban linkage, government and enterprise unity, and jointly promote the cultivation and development of single champion enterprises.

  Yan Honglei pointed out that Dongsheng Group should seize the opportunity in the period of historical development, cooperate with the government to seek common development, drive the construction of hometown, and create a cooperation highland open to the outside world. Dongsheng Group should increase its R & D investment, continue to expand its enterprise and industry influence, make full use of its own technical advantages to speed up, constantly innovate and lead in the aluminum alloy metal additives industry, and create a sustainable and efficient development enterprise.

  Yan Honglei stressed that the enterprise's own development is closely related to its hometown. The local Party committee and government will work with the enterprise to overcome difficulties, firmly support the healthy development of the enterprise, help the enterprise solve difficulties and problems in development, and provide power support for the realization of the annual economic and social development goals.

  Zhang Zhongkai said that Dongsheng Group actively cooperates with the economic construction of Harbin, makes use of its industry position, continues to increase R & D investment, helps the development of Harbin and actively assumes corporate social responsibility.

  Zhangliang, director of Pingfang District Committee Office, and Liao Xiaofang, director of Pingfang District Bureau of industry, information technology and science, accompanied the investigation. Wangchunyang, Lizhou, deputy general manager of Dongsheng Group, and Weiyongli, assistant general manager, accompanied the reception.

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