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Dongsheng Group Watches Movies Collectively

2023年10月20日 14:55:37    Hits:243

In order to better showcase the charm of Longjiang Love and make group employees deeply feel the spirit of Longjiang entrepreneurs taking on love, we also hope that through the film, more people can be aroused to care for the special group of cerebral palsy children, and promote the more comprehensive development of the disabled cause. On the afternoon of October 12th at 15:40, all employees of Dongsheng Group watched the movie "Tomorrow is another day" together.

As a key support project for the Propaganda Department of the Heilongjiang Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Propaganda Department of the Harbin Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, this film was produced by Heilongjiang Nonzero Image Media Investment Co., Ltd., and jointly produced by Kanzhi Cultural Media (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. and Harbin Institute of Urban Planning and Design Co., Ltd.


The film "Tomorrow is another day" is based on Jia Xiufang, the "Good Man in Longjiang", the national March 8th Red Flag pacesetter, the national model worker, the national exemplary individual who helps disabled people, the winner of the national civilized family, and the founder of the Boneng Cerebral Palsy Rehabilitation Center. When he was 16 years old, his father went to the northeast to work as a part-time worker. Through his efforts, he became the chairman of a car trading company worth more than 100 million yuan from a vegetable vendor, a restaurant dishwasher, and a breakfast shop owner, It tells the touching story of Longjiang's caring entrepreneurs who never forget to give back to society when they become rich, establish a rehabilitation center for cerebral palsy, accurately assist children with cerebral palsy, and bring hope to families of cerebral palsy children, lift themselves out of poverty, and embark on the path of common prosperity. The film fully reflects the new era of private entrepreneurs in Longjiang, who "consciously integrate their life ideals and family happiness into the great cause of national prosperity and national rejuvenation", actively participate in and establish social welfare and charitable undertakings.

Zhang Zhongkai, Chairman of Dongsheng Group, was deeply touched by the end of his film viewing and shared his thoughts on site:


1、 The producer of the film, Heilongjiang Nonzero Image Media Co., Ltd., has great love, selfless dedication, and a sense of social responsibility. She once devoted herself to volunteer work during the epidemic, and it was because of this great love that she chose the true story of Jia Xiufang, an outstanding entrepreneur in Longjiang, as the foundation for her creation. She presented her touching story of hard work and helping the vulnerable groups around her to become rich; Zhang Zhongkai fully affirmed the courage of the production team of the movie "Tomorrow is another day" to choose materials, and affirmed the social responsibility of the main creative team as film and television workers.


2、 This film features vivid characters, prominent themes, bold selection of materials, and resonates with people;


3、 Through the interpretation of the movie, more people have a deeper understanding of life in another world. He called on the Love Committee of Dongsheng Company to persist for 17 years and continuously assist disabled and struggling employees in the enterprise. Let us persevere, do our best, extend our loving hands, and bravely warm the people in need around us.


4、 The movies were all shot in Harbin, telling touching stories of love while also showcasing the city's beautiful wetlands, European style, and characteristic buildings to audiences across the country. Jia Xiufang founded a cerebral palsy rehabilitation hospital and provided free rehabilitation treatment for children with cerebral palsy, which made many people feel the responsibility of private entrepreneurs in Longjiang and deeply healed.


After the movie ended, all employees actively initiated a sharing of their thoughts on watching the movie. Everyone spoke freely and had a profound discussion, making Longjiang Love sublimate, extend, and enter thousands of households. Many employees have tears in their eyes. A mother excitedly expressed that at the end of the film, when the sun broke through the clouds and the music slowly sounded, the sentence "Live, the sky will always light" made her deeply moved; Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to the actors for their wonderful performances and the producers for their meticulous production, which has allowed society to have a deeper understanding of children with cerebral palsy and their families, and to provide more care to this group. By mobilizing the power of society, we can help them overcome their difficulties.

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