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Harbin Institute of Technology Vice President Zang Yongjun and his delegation vi

2023年09月01日 10:28:00    Hits:257

 On August 31st, Zang Yongjun, Vice President of Harbin Institute of Technology, and his delegation visited the headquarters of Dongsheng Group for research and exchange. Zhang Zhongkai, Chairman of Dongsheng Group, warmly received and accompanied them throughout the entire process.

Zhang Zhongkai, Chairman of Dongsheng Group, accompanied us to visit Dongsheng


 Zang Yongjun and his delegation visited the headquarters of the group, and Zhang Zhongkai gave a detailed introduction to the development process and business development of the enterprise. Zang Yongjun has a deep understanding of the development situation of enterprise technology research and innovation, and fully recognizes the achievements and corporate culture of Dongsheng Group. He points out that Dongsheng Group is a leading enterprise in the segmented field, and wishes Dongsheng Group better and better development.

Principal Zang Yongjun delivers a speech

 Zang Yongjun introduced the development process of Harbin University of Science and Technology, rooted in the fertile soil of the Longjiang River, and developed into a domestic "double first-class" university with strong comprehensive strength and distinct educational characteristics in Heilongjiang Province. It is the largest science and engineering university under the province's jurisdiction. Zhang Chunyu and Wang Nan, representatives of graduates from the School of Materials Science and Technology of Harbin Institute of Technology of Dongsheng Group, reported on their career development and work situation since graduation. The leaders of both sides fully affirmed the work performance and professional qualities of the two outstanding graduates of Harbin Institute of Technology. Zhang Zhongkai stated that in the future, Dongsheng Group will prioritize graduates from local universities such as Harbin Institute of Technology in personnel recruitment, Provide support for the employment development of Harbin Institute of Technology graduates.

Awarding Ceremony of Harbin Institute of Technology College Student Employment Base

Both sides hold discussions on cooperation between industry, academia, research and party building

 At the meeting, Harbin Institute of Technology awarded Dongsheng Group the plaque of "College Student Employment Base". Looking back on years of experience in industry, academia, and party building cooperation, the two sides stated that they should continue to maintain a good cooperative relationship, support each other, and complement each other's advantages. With the goal of achieving the transformation and industrialization of scientific and technological achievements, they will deepen industry, academia, and research cooperation, break through industrial development bottlenecks through collaborative research, and achieve innovative development, Contribute to the economic development of Longjiang!

Group photo of attendees

 Leaders and teachers including Dai Xiangzhu, Director of the Student Office of Harbin Institute of Technology, Zhang Guilin, Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, Dong Limin, Dean of the School of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, Wang Haiying, Deputy General Manager of Dongsheng Group, Li Zhou, and Chen Rui, Minister of Capital Operations Department, attended the symposium.

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