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Dongsheng Group's 2023 Summer Corporate Culture Tour

2023年08月12日 13:13:00    Hits:272

 On August 11, 2023, Dongsheng organized headquarters employees to carry out the summer tourism group building activity.

 This activity not only enhances the happiness of all employees and enriches their leisure life, but also allows everyone to fully relax their body and mind during the tense work, promotes communication and communication between leaders and colleagues, as well as between new and old employees, further implements the company's corporate aspirations and organizational culture construction, and enhances the cohesion of group team members.

Activity group photo

 The first part of the activity: "Consolidate the team, work together" fun sports meet and "involuntarily" two team building activities. The intense PK among 5 groups has honed the young team leader's ability to coordinate and organize, reflecting the level of team coordination, communication, and cooperation. In the competition, everyone actively cooperates, encourages each other, does not give up, does not complain, and achieves the goal together. The small tumultuous hall has become a venue for Dongsheng people to showcase their team style and cohesion

 After the competition, there was an immediate review and summary, and the interactive speech session became a great opportunity for various departments and groups to have in-depth communication and improve work processes.

 The small sports meet not only exercises the body, but also enhances the spirit of teamwork, enhancing trust and cooperation among colleagues.

Five groups


 The second part is the celebration event for employees in the past ten years, twenty years, and twenty-five years, which is called "Let's work together, take responsibility and be together". Six employees shared their decades of emotional journey and insights during their time at Dongsheng.

Award photo


 Speech by Chairman Zhang Zhongkai:

 Firstly, due to the impact of the typhoon, the original travel plan had to be cancelled. We would like to give full recognition to our colleagues in the comprehensive office for quickly and successfully adjusting the implementation plan within two days.

 Secondly, during the event, everyone fully realized that each person in the team is not only an individual, but also a link in the chain, interconnected. Only by maintaining coordination and cooperation among team members at all times can they efficiently handle various types of work tasks.

 Thirdly, "everyone gathers firewood and the flame is high." I would like to express my gratitude to the veteran employees who have been working together for ten, twenty, and twenty-five years. They have united their efforts and gathered the strength of their team, filled with responsibility and fighting spirit, and have written a brilliant stroke in Dongsheng with their youth and sweat.

 Finally, Zhang Zhongkai advocates that everyone enjoy their work and more importantly, enjoy the joy of working with everyone, be content, grateful, diligent, and open-minded. We hope that all employees of Dongsheng will work together to strive for a better tomorrow for Dongsheng!

 During the dinner, representatives of old and new employees presented flowers to Chairman Zhang Zhongkai to express their inheritance and gratitude. Everyone has a grateful heart, and those who are grateful are respected by the world.

 The 2023 team building event was successfully held, which not only enhanced the cohesion among employees, cultivated mutual understanding, but also promoted everyone's sense of collaboration, and exercised the team spirit of being brave to take responsibility and win-win cooperation. In the future, everyone will also assist and work together in their work to ride the wind and waves and set sail for the beautiful tomorrow of Dongsheng!

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