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in Zhou Bank Harbin Branch Gao Zhihong and his delegation visited Dongsheng Grou

2023年05月26日 17:55:00    Hits:358

On the morning of May 26th, a delegation led by Gao Zhihong, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Jinzhou Bank Harbin Branch, visited the headquarters of Dongsheng Group for inspection and exchange. Zhang Zhongkai, Chairman of Dongsheng Group, warmly received the guests.

Figure 1: Lin Duyuan, Financial Director of Dongsheng Group, introduces the company's products to guests

Figure 2: Talks between the two parties

During the meeting, Zhang Zhongkai introduced the company's development and strategic deployment to the guests. As a partner of Dongsheng Group for many years, Jinzhou Bank has provided comprehensive financial support to Dongsheng Group, providing financial support for its continued growth and strength. As a loyal customer of Jinzhou Bank, Dongsheng Group has given back to Jinzhou Bank with its own development and solidly promoted the implementation of financial work.


Subsequently, Gao Zhihong fully affirmed and appreciated the business development, corporate culture, and achievements of Dongsheng Group. Gao Zhihong introduced the business performance and future development deployment of Jinzhou Bank, and stated that he will use his own business characteristics and advantages to customize exclusive service solutions for Dongsheng Group and its employees.


Through this exchange, our company and Jinzhou Bank have further deepened their understanding and enhanced mutual trust. Both parties have agreed to expand their cooperation areas, strengthen cooperation efforts, and achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.

Figure 3: Group photo of both parties as a memento

Yao Huiyu, Vice President of Jinzhou Bank Branch, Ma Ning, Assistant to Branch President, Shuang Zhaochun, General Manager of Branch Business Department, Ren Yongtao, Deputy General Manager of Branch Credit Approval Department, Li Tao, Deputy General Manager of Branch Business Department, Lin Duyuan, Financial Director of Dongsheng Group, Chen You, Director of Hanan Project Office, Kong Xianmin, Minister of Finance Department, and Gui Anqi from Finance Department accompanied the reception.

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