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Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Harbin Branch, led by Ren Zhiyu, visited Dongsh

2023年05月10日 16:41:17    Hits:454

On the afternoon of May 9th, Ren Zhiyu, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Harbin Branch, and a delegation visited the headquarters of Dongsheng Group for inspection and exchange. Zhang Zhongkai, Chairman of Dongsheng Group, warmly received a delegation of guests.

Figure 1: Zhang Zhongkai leads guests to visit the headquarters of Dongsheng Group and introduces the company's products

Figure 2: Both sides have held talks on future cooperation

Zhang Zhongkai introduced the current development situation of the company to the guests. Over the past 28 years, Dongsheng Group has adhered to the business philosophy of "honest management, profit oriented and people-oriented", becoming a global aluminum alloy additive manufacturer that integrates production, research and development, and sales, and has achieved good business performance.


After listening to the introduction, Ren Zhiyu fully affirmed and appreciated the business development, corporate culture, and achievements of Dongsheng Group. Ren Zhiyu introduced the development process and business situation of Pudong Development Bank. And expressed that it will utilize its own business characteristics and advantages to customize exclusive service solutions for Dongsheng Group. And I hope to strengthen communication and build a friendly relationship of win-win cooperation in the future.


Through this exchange, we have deepened mutual understanding and trust. With the continuous deepening of interaction and docking between both parties, we will find more entry points for cooperation, assist both parties in high-quality development, and achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.

Figure 3: Both parties take a group photo

Zhou Bin, General Manager of the Corporate Business Department of Pudong Development Bank Branch, He Nan, General Manager of the Investment Banking Department of the Branch, and Zhao Jiarui, Deputy General Manager of the Eighth Customer Department of the Company, accompanied the inspection. Lin Duyuan, Financial Director of Dongsheng Group, Kong Xianmin, Minister of Finance Department, and Gui Anqi, Finance Department, accompanied the reception.

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